Wednesday, February 11, 2009


so today i got on the 80, and i came across this stupid/genious bar counter thingy (example above) that seemed really out of place, not to mention rather dangerous. plus a big waste of space. so because it had the only available seat on the bus, i had to take it, and to make SBS feel that their love is not in vain, i whipped out my laptop and started typing. awesome experience. sitting sideways in a moving vehicle + typing furiously on a furiously vibrating laptop. i could feel many eyes on my back. a little boy beside me kept looking over and getting slapped by his mum cos she wanted him to memorize some multiplication table. sorry little boy, next time your mum buy you laptop you can copy me.

so anyway, after the surreal 40 min ride, i left my new buffice feeling wobbly and lightheaded. just as well, cos i've been heavy headed recently.

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