Thursday, August 28, 2008


sigh, down with the flu again... except i'm not really down, cos i can't afford to be! everyday i wake up feeling like shit and i tell myself, for all of 2 seconds, that i'm going to take leave. and then i brush my teeth and get changed and go to work.

but another reason why i'm not down is cos flyn flyn loves me. and how can anyone be down if flyn flyn loves him? i know right?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

you are my superwoman

because you amaze me all the time with everything you do

because everytime you look at me i become a puddle of goo

because you fly into my heart and save me everytime i think of you

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

childhood memories

it's been so long since i tasted the joy of having hot, gooey, drippy, clumpy unborn chickens washed down my throat. last week, ya kun kaya toast brought me back to a time when life was innocent and happy, free from the trials and tribulations of working life....actually no. i was damn stressed lor last time. homework homework homework, then assessment book, then homework, then sleep, then homework.... then clumpy unborn chickens!

we added dark soya sauce and pepper, just a little too much, but it was good enough to remind me of the perfect eggs that my dad did when i was a kid. i want to make perfect eggs next time! and be a good dad too :)

Monday, August 04, 2008

when time flies

i watch the dates float past
little pieces of paper
with their bright, gawdy numbers
telling me how precious they are
right before they vanish

taking with them bits of summer
and bits of me

but i let them go at it
for no scheme in the world
can take from me
that which is most precious

that which i have
already given to you