Tuesday, February 17, 2009

best valentine's gift i've ever ever received

ok so i just received a call from the mostest unexpectedest person at this moment. and i can't tell you enough, i really needed this. thank you so much.

i never got a chance to tell you, but when i walked through the gorge with you for that first and last time, with the sun setting behind us, i realized that i was looking at the girl i fell head over heels in love with 3.5 years ago. you looked absolutely beautiful. but my heart was already with someone else, and it pained me so much because you don't know how much i wanted to grab your shoulders and scream, "why? why now? why not half a year ago? why not never?" and you looked beautiful not just because you always do, but because in that instant, i could feel your love for me, the kind of love i had prayed for day after day, year after year.

but then it was too late, because i had already made up my mind and there was no turning back. so i wiped that memory clean off my mind, because i couldn't bear to acknowledge the fact that back in the gorge, you had turned back into the girl i had loved so dearly for as long as i possibly could.

thank you for calling me. who knew that almost a year later, you would come back and wipe away all the heartache, all the sadness that was plaguing my heart?

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