Tuesday, April 14, 2009


went back for In Camp Training for the first time in my life today (i'm in two minds about whether to end with a . or a ! so i think something else would have to suffice) ............

it was an experience. made friends with complete strangers from completely alien backgrounds. got an update on the best massage parlours in singapore, plus every extra thing they offer. discovered how dreadful the upcoming exercise in june is going to be...even the officers are dreading it and trying to defer. ran 2.4km, so i don't feel so bad about monday. realized that there are people who are actually really concerned about the safety of our little country. ate awesome cookhouse food. ate even more food. rediscovered some suppressed nostalgia of hanging out in stuffy old bunks with familiar people in the same boat. suppressed the nostalgia.

all in all, i'm kind of on the fence about the value of reservist. but still slightly leaning towards migrating to alaska.

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