Sunday, April 26, 2009

lisp on!

"no really really i think i'm very misunderstood... really really..."

haha. that was certainly a very memorable first experience of getting really drunk. of course yc believes (with his wealth of experience) that we were nowhere close to being truly wholly wasted but as far as i'm concerned, i am never going there again. still, these things can be awesome as long as you look at them from the right angle...

and talking about right angles, gambling is also something that can be awesome if seen from behind appropriately tinted glasses. in this case, the tinting involved roughly half an hour of rationalizing that the REAL purpose of our poker playing was to learn more about Life. something like that. and in an effort to not feel guilty about gambling away precious euros, we decided it would be a much better idea to use personal secrets as our default currency.

wrong. and much gratefulness to L for rescuing us from the depths of alcohol-aided mutual destruction. :)

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