Wednesday, April 01, 2009

in my darkest hours, faye's prawn crackers keep me going.

i have been very diligent not to overly consume, but i think i need to stock up very soon cos i have many hours of darkness in my life!

today's not so bad though, everyone seems to be in a good mood. perhaps cos it's april fool's so we are all fooling ourselves that life is bright and dandy and we're all going to keep our jobs forever and no one's going to get any pay cuts. why can't april fool's be a week long thing? or month long?

i love lunch treats. sometimes there are benefits to having bosses.

and i like how my big boss somehow found out from dunno who that i'm planning to go to portugal, and he actually asked me about it today. like, "oh have you gone europe before, how come you're only going 1 country etc etc." MEANING he approves! saved me the trouble of actually having to break the news to him.

arissa, we have to try harder next year on this april fools thing. i am sure i could have done a much better job if i didn't have to leave my desk every 5 min. and yours was just lame lah totally out of point.

ok! home, here i come!

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