Thursday, April 09, 2009


spent the good part of this week working with one of SOM's senior planners (Earl Jackson) on our eco-city project. SOM promised us that this guy was going to be fantastic and we would love him and he's magic to any project he touches.

turns out, they were right. he's absolutely fantastic. my boss can now sleep well because we're back on track, and for me, i am in awe. i mean, he's only 37 but everything about him is awesome! he looks like a surfer dude (and is one actually), draws like a real artist, and the way he talks, he can tell you you're going to die in an hour's time and you'd be like, "oh ok why not?"

AND he's soooo sweet to his wife! i was discussing the project with him and his wife called from US, and he totally turned into a teddy bear for 5 minutes. and then he put down the phone and became an architect again. wow.

i don't usually find myself so in awe, but really. when i went into architecture, that was the kind of person i wanted to be. well, i have 10 more years to go! jia you me!

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