Thursday, April 03, 2008


"You are capable of setting aside your fears, setting aside your hesitation ... and even your revulsion. Every natural inhibition that, during battle, could mean the difference between life and death.

When you can be this -- or as long as you have to be -- then you're a razor."
-- Admiral Helena Cain, Battlestar Galactica: Razor

in preparation for the final season of BSG, i watched from the comfort of my bed their 2 hour tv movie Razor, released more or less as a teaser to keep their fans clinging on desperately to the show. and wow what a movie. so elegant, violent, beautiful, horrifying, hopeful and sad. and so much spaceporn haha which we had all sorely missed in Season 3. please, everyone, please watch Battlestar Galactica. It is amazing.

Interestingly, Razor is all about women. women loving, hating, trusting, betraying, fighting, shedding blood, dying, living... women being razors. loved admiral cain and kendra shaw. not only do i respect the writers for weaving such beautiful stories into a show about robots and spaceships, but the acting is just so nuanced and affecting, it makes me want to have my planet blown up and be stuck in space with these people.

i think i will cry when the season ends. i really think i will. and then after i finish crying i will watch it again from season 1 all the way to the end. and again. and again.

here's some cool BSG vids i found on youtube:

BSG fan-trailer -- "Battlestar of Brothers"

Razor trailer

Everything until now

in other news, i discovered that not getting 4.2 GPA doesn't mean you're stupid.

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