Monday, April 07, 2008

i am a very optimistic person.

why do i think so? cos i always under-dress for the weather. i think some part of me always believes that the day is going to be beautiful, that as long as there is sunlight, there will be warmth. I KNOW IT IS NOT TRUE. but i can't help it, everytime i dress up, that knowledge always vanishes temporarily from my mind, and the next moment i'd find myself shivering outside and wondering why i am doing this to my poor, battered body again.

char's here! we watched avenue q together which was fantastic. haha not sure if she enjoyed it THAT much cos it was kinda crude and everything, but omg the acting was so good. i mean, it's a PUPPET SHOW for goodness sakes! i was like wow nice i am paying 60 bucks to watch a puppet show.... but the actors really made it work man and it was so funny. especially how the actors have the same expressions as the puppets so it's like watching two shows at once. i am amazed.

ok so check this's not the one we watched but it's so cute. song's the same:

and it's so great that char's happy. :D

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