Thursday, April 17, 2008

deer watching

the other day, we saw a deer at the arts quad, milling about and occasionally bending down to nibble. it had horns, and it was beautiful. we crept up to it in absolute silence, knowing that it would scamper the moment it saw us. and then suddenly, it stood up straight and stared right at us, like you know, stared all the way past my skin and into my very soul, before returning to it's higher calling of grass consumption.

so after peeing our pants, we decided to go closer, and it totally didn't give a damn about us! how cool is that! i wish i had my camera, but i had to content myself with standing there slack-jawed and going wowomgwow the whole time.

and then after about 2 hours, our deer got bored and walked away, and we went home.

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