Saturday, February 07, 2004

I read sera's blog a few days ago.... and i think what she says is really true. sometimes, our disinclination towards a certain person is based on what others say, or on some irrelevant first impressions, but these cause us to miss out on otherwise enriching friendships. only after reading sera's paragraph did i realize that i've also grown closer to someone almost unconsciously, when some time ago i would never have imagined it happening. but for me, it's not just about hitting it off. it's about going into a personal level, sharing secrets, opinions, emotion and trust. maybe "soulmate" would be a little exaggerating, but then again i'm still trying to find out what "soulmate" actually means.

anyway, i wanna thank God for making my life so interesting. although it's so full of ups and downs.... (well maybe BECAUSE it's so full of ups and downs) it's, i feel, the bestest life in the world. i wouldn't trade it for anything else. i've gone through JC and army and half a year of uni being "labelled" as "Xtra" and "kennethyouareanidiotyouknow" and "hahahayahrightveryfunny" but i love my life. i hope that some of my enthusiasm can rub off on the people around me, and i hope that i make a different to the lives of the people around me. Even a little bit!

These days everyone seems to have issues. it kind of throws me off guard, cos suddenly the world seems to contain so much more uncertainty and tension. ouch.


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