Thursday, June 26, 2008

my last interview!

today i go for my last interview with capitaland, after which i can FINALLY decide on what firm to go to. if i get in, it will be between CapitaLand, Keppel Land and Surbana, and everyone of them sounds good! i guess i'll never know if i make the right decision, but it's up to me to make whatever decision work for me! don't want to end up breaking my bond, cos there's really no way i can pay for it.

talking about bonds, it's so weird hor, a few years ago all those bond breakers get their pictures placed on newspapers, but now nobody gets any publicity anymore! must be cos they realized that instead of not being able to get jobs, these people instantly get courted by every single company in the world cos if you can break bond you must be damn zai right? more zai than edb more zai than psc and saf! but i am not zai enough so i cannot break bond :)

so will i end up as an architect or a developer? will find out by this week.

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