Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day at the Zoo

looks rather morbid to me actually

don't they all look blind?

i sure don't want to be that piece of food flying through the air

why you stare at me?

20 yr olds being all mature and serious

how sinister

why they copy us?

zebra crossing zebra crossing

ah see? the 20 yr old fake ice cube

seconds later, the giraffe shot out it's tongue and devoured the child

i feel like a kid again! it's quite funny how in some ways, the zoo has changed dramatically, but in some ways it's the exact same thing that we've seen when we were 5 years old. like the polar bear exhibit -- still the same zinc roof and pathetic little pool, with the polar bear probably playing with the exact same fake ice cube it played with 20 years ago. but it was really fun, if i try my best to forget the heat and the commando mosquitoes that relentlessly consumed us while we tried to forget about them.

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