Monday, March 09, 2009

if you let me....

ever since a year ago, my songs have been decidedly more happy. i don't know if it's because of the singers i listen to, or my outlook on life, or circumstances, but that's how it is.

so for my first post-break-up song, i thought i'd write some happy words, with a happy tune, to remind myself of every single friend who was that person to me.

and then slowly i realized that maybe i was writing about myself too...?

you know how there are always one or two people in our lives who always seem to be there when we are in trouble, or when there's a big temporary void in our lives that need to be filled. and because they are there, we let them fill the void... all the way until we find what we were looking for again. then we let them go, till the next void comes along.

and sometimes we find ourselves being that person. which is ok.

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