Monday, January 28, 2008

fcs retreat!

i love my new camera. so shiok to be able to take pics without lugging big camera around! of course i still love my canon but at least now i can take pictures everyday, anywhere! so we went to chuck and ann's house for our fcs mini retreat, which was wonderful even tho it's just 6 of us! turned out to be an all-guy's retreat too, cos cherie was sick. but then again, it wasn't really all-guy, cos we had the cutest little girl around! gabriella! she was adopted by chuck and ann, from a dysfunctional family, and she's just so so cute. apparently tho, she has Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) which causes her to mutate into a ferocious biting animal at times but still. so cuteeee!

and yankai had his 3rd birthday celebration, which was a total surprise. chuck and ann are so sweet! anyway, the retreat was very welcome for me, cos i had a lot on my mind and i really needed to go somewhere where i could just rest, be happy, and lift up all my worries and troubles to Jesus! and so nice to be able to worship the Lord with friends. thanks joseph for being the chief organizer, without whom this could never never have happened. :) 辛苦你了。

joshua and gabriella making music

too cute liao

delicious looking fake fruits

marvin is defeated by foot long sandwich

happy birthday again and again!



Evelyn said...

why have i become evil lin, and why are some of your photos not working??

shit rolls down but does not smash into wall :D my favourite english idiom of all time.

Kenneth said...

tag meee! oh i think if you refresh, they should work right?