Saturday, May 07, 2005

wish i had time to draw more random pictures, but that is (alas) not to be. at least until 10th of May when most of the shit i'm facing dissipates away....

yah when they named this week "hell week" they were not kidding. it's not so much of sleepless nights and stuff, but more of the worrying and stressing out and the accompanying loss of productivity. i'm starting to like my building more though... the more i draw and design, the more i feel attached to it. i think that's what's nice about architecture... with every building you design, be it just for a class or for actual realization, you are adding a piece to that unique city of your mind. one of my occasional fantasies is to design a virtual city, one of those that you always see on sci-fi book covers, only that it's in a 3d programme that you can actually move around in. or to even just picture it in my mind, to walk through it like how George Lucas would walk through that beautiful galaxy that he wove together from those millions of strands of imagination floating within him.

another occasional fantasy is, well, to build a house. that's what makes me proud about studying architecture, that i have this opportunity which most of my peers don't, no matter how slim it is... think of it, how wonderful it is to be able to walk, dine, sleep, work in a house that you drew out on paper... of course if i was a native in Africa for example, it might just be a routine thing, but to live in a city like Singapore and still be able to build your own house would certainly give you a sense of ownership and pride that few can even dream of.

when i decided to study architecture, i was just thinking how nice it would be to see people work or live in a building that you design... but i never really thought of what it would be like to actually walk on a surface that was once only as real as sparks in a sea of neurons.

of course, now it's just: can i finish drawing in time?

Sundance Media Institute -- Night

Sundance Media Institute -- Day Posted by Hello

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