Saturday, May 14, 2005

it's 4am and i can't believe it. in less than a day i'm going to meet the girl i've been missing the past 5 months! part of me can't wait, yet the other part is still bogged down by all the worries and preoccupations that continue to plague me -- my struggles in studio, worrying about grades, worrying about how prepared i am for this trip, being apprehensive about summer school, money woes, etc etc.

i tell myself i should just let go and enjoy this vacation, but that part of me feels guilty even contemplating such a thing. there's no such thing as throwing away all your cares and just enjoying 2 weeks of being in your own world, it says. But then I'm reminded by the death of Dan Pirfo, and i realize for the umpteenth time that life is short indeed, too short for us to waste worrying and stressing over things that are out of our control. i remind myself to leave my burdens in the hands of our Lord, and learn to savour the life that he has provided for us. whatever the outcome of my semester, so be it. for now, life is about seeing my family again, witnessing my sister's convocation, and spending that little bit of my life with the girl who's always in my heart. :)

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