Sunday, January 03, 2010

christmas presents -- the inexpensive sort

this is the first painting i've done in about a decade. and it's dedicated to my wonderful 雯雯 without whom 2009 would probably have been a rather miserable year. please don't ever stop loving me, and please don't ever stop letting me love you!


all done!

and this is what i got for christmas! so pretty, and now elfies can be together again :)

and this is what 雯雯 and i made for our dear P10 -- if you turn the shoes around, you get chinese costumes (with white striped boxers?)!

and this is what P10 made for us (see lamp below), cos they're the best. 雯雯's lamp has not been activated yet, so pictures shall be uploaded soon! the terrarium behind was just made today during our terrarium workshop with this cute man called Harry, and the gnome globe in front was, if you remember, made by 雯雯 because she loves me.

i heart us.

1 comment:


i heart us too! :)

i love all the pressies made and given! they are all so pretty and awesome.

please don't stop letting me love you too! :D