Friday, August 26, 2005

haha this is like the dunno-how-manyth time i'm saying this, but, "I'M BACK!"

just got back to school finally, dunno whether to be happy or not. my journey back here was horrendous, for starters. the airplane food was nauseating, the longer leg of the flight had no personal entertainment thingy, and for that flight too, there wasn't a single air stewardess. not that it was a totally bad thing lah, cos there were 4 air stewards. the two who were in charge of my aisle were pretty effeminate, and were an interesting sight to behold. esp the way one of them closed the overhead compartments. wah. of course, i'm not saying this to ridicule or anything, cos it's not like i'm extremely hunky or masculine either, in fact i think the feminine nature is a lot more attractive than the masculine (haha dunno if that's a duh comment or not). really, i can't think of anything very cool about being male. i mean, just think of male fashion: the only real variations are length of sleeves and colour, and maybe thickness of material. whereas girls have such a wonderful spectrum of attire to choose from! they can even pull of male clothes! it's just unfair lah i think, that society has decreed the male gender to be utterly boring.

but anyway, the good thing about being back here is the weather! i really dunno how i'm ever going to survive in singapore when i'm going to have to start wearing long sleeved shirts to work man. and tie summor.... wear t-shirt already want to concuss already! anyway it's really beautiful now in ithaca, though i guess the temperature is going to start plummeting soon. nevermind though, cos it's still good now!

played a bit of gunbound back in singapore, just before i came over. my little sis made me download it in exchange for her doing her work, and i ended up playing matches for her cos she was shooting all over the place. anyway i realized that everyone there is still as vulgar, and also that my skills haven't changed a bit! i'm still stuck at slightly above average, which, i guess, was quite reassuring. but because of that, i very soon got bored again cos i wasn't getting anywhere, and so gunbound is now out of my life once more. :)

ok have to go for structures TA meeting now! will update real soon!

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