Saturday, July 09, 2005

you know what gives me a headache? maths. and wondering what goes on inside the minds of terrorists, like the ones who bombed the london subway just a few days ago. i guess if you're fighting a war, it's both about self preservation and self gain, and so *mian qiang* still can get away with it. but killing innocent people for the sake of a principle? oh well... i guess rationality doesn't apply in the mind of a terrorist. or on the other hand, maybe its that warped, sinister kind of rationality that drives them to commit such horrific acts... anyhow, my heart goes out not only to the victims and their families, but to this poor society that we live in, which day by day grows increasingly numb to the violence and hatred that threatens to pervade this entire planet.

i've got this national geographic map beside me, and looking at it, i'm just amazed at how intricate it is, filled with coloured border lines, textured terrain, cities, states, capitals, wind directions, currents.... such a beautiful piece of art. and zooming into the island of Great Britain, you'd never guess that somewhere within that small pinkish region lie torn-up bodies, broken hearts, and a community reeling in shock. and a bunch of tortured minds dark as sin.

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