Thursday, June 18, 2009

be your bayou

finally, after years of feeling incomplete as an architectural student, i finally stepped foot into dear frankie's guggenheim museum in bilbao. my my, what a treat! one times architecture porn. loved the way the metal skin twisted and warped and glinted and shimmered in the summer sun... teaching us to stop and give a second look to that scrunched up aluminium foil next time before we throw it away. really, any piece of shit in this world can look beautiful if we look at it long enough, as long as we're willing to imagine that it's really really gorgeous.

didn't think much about the insides though. somehow the interior didn't strike me with the same sense of awe as the grand gestures on the outside, perhaps cos it's all cut up into little gallery spaces... somehow i didn't feel like i was standing inside this fantastic sculpture, which i had come to expect after witnessing those impossible forms outside. in some ways, i think the MoMA or even our humble johnson museum in ithaca can rival this one.

oh, one thing that left a great impression: the heaps of young lovers rolling around on the grass everywhere we looked. why don't we have that back home? what happened to Romancing Singapore?

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