Tuesday, March 04, 2008

please please don't let spring come so fast! no snow = no snowboarding!

today's actually bright and sunny. and warm! and on days like these, the snow melts and pools on the freezing ground to become ice. then the ice melts too, and becomes water, which flows away until it finds those little openings in the ground to seep into -- never to return. snowmen all over struggle to stay alive, and snow dreams too, threaten to fade into the seas of forgotten time. but the sun sits resolutely in the sky, soaking us in bright colors and stark shadows until we can no longer focus our minds on what is silently but surely slipping away. and soon, as the precious little patches of white dissolve into exuberant swaths of green and yellow, it is as though winter was never here.

...ten years down the road, will i remember this tiny moment in my life? and if i do, what would this memory be like? i wish i knew. never expected life to be easy and straightforward, but part of me really wishes it to be easy and straightforward right now.

the other part, of course, doesn't.

oooh, my paperwhites are blossoming very very awesomely! ... and at the same time infusing the atmosphere of our apartment with a rather strange, vaguely artificial aroma. i actually really like it when i go close the flowers, but from a distance the smell can be quite disconcerting. doesn't help that it's winter and all our windows are shut... ok time to go open windows and freeze to death bye!

snowed in just a week ago (not that bad already)

i actually hate reese's even though i really love peanut butter...

exploding with flowers!

even more exploding!

wish my window mesh thing wasn't there... spoil the picture....

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