Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Let Your Love Flow Through Me

The title of this new song has always been in my heart. As Christians, we love others not because of who they are, or who we are, but because of the love that Jesus has for all of us, the kind of love that saw Him die a horrible death on the cross for the salvation of each and every one of us. This song describes my hope that I can be an empty vessel for the love of Christ to flow through and pour out into this world.

I was born as a sinner
In a world full of pain
But in your grace i find forgiveness
You deliver me from shame

There is nothing I can offer
But you love me all the same
Now I'll rise up as your banner
So that all will know your name

Let your love
Flow from me
So the whole world can see
why you gave your life
on calvary
What it means to be free

Let your light
Shine through me
In every word that I breathe
Let me be renewed, let my life be proof
That my Saviour reigns in me

I'll fill my heart with worship
And I'll fill my songs with praise
I'll rise up as your banner
So that all will know your name

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