Monday, July 25, 2005

played beach volleyball today! note to self: never take an afternoon nap before volleyball.

wah my reflexes so blardy slow today man.... my brain is probably still playing the game right now. gosh, i need training, i need miss poon to make me run around the track 5 times so that i can get my idea straight! but it was fun still... great weather today for sand court! i kept digging my feet into the sand just to prove to myself that summer was finally treating us well.... hopefully this spell of good weather will attach itself to me when i return to our SUNNY ISLAND SET IN THE SEA!

ok qn. is that line refer to the sunset context, or did it mean something like setting a diamond onto a ring? i remember being very perplexed as a child, that our sunny island would be setting/sinking slowly into the sea, sending crabs and prawns swimming past our front door. i was pretty safe then tho, cos i lived at the fourth floor!

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