Thursday, November 25, 2004

I Don't Fear Rain

It's raining now. AGAIN! can't see anything outside my window except for the reflection from the streetlamps off the black tar road that's now an entire flat world of overlapping circles -- shifting, expanding, vanishing -- with every drop of water from the heavens. It sounds like hail from within my room, but it's really peaceful inside here... so different from what i'd hear if i were outside my door. do i like rain? i don't know. Ambivalence at best i guess....

i love the musky smell
after a morning rain
watching droplets carve out
rivers on the window pane
rivers washing away dirt
and grime
and guilt
and bad memories

i love watching windows
those transparent shields
dissolving raging storms
into a muted whisper

yet sometimes i long
for the rain on my shoulders
for the feel of cloth
clinging to warm skin

and sometimes i long
for that low rumbling roar
for the flashes of light
that tear the seamless sky

and sometimes i long
for a warm cup of tea
for the smile on your face
and a soft, gentle kiss

i don't fear rain
or storms for that matter
for once they start
they're bound to be over

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